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The Birthday of the King

Writer's picture: Alan FongAlan Fong

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. ~Luke 2:11


Birthdays are very special days. We celebrate the blessing of another year and life. It’s a day that we treasure. It’s a day where family and friends express their love and respect for us. Each year that passes is more significant and special. Birthdays of certain Presidents are celebrated as holidays. However, the most significant birthday in all of history is the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. On the day that He was born, the Lord Jesus made His entry into a world of sin and woe. On that day, the King was born into our world.


We see the legion on Christmas.

“For unto you is born this day....” The pronoun “you” incorporates all members of the human race. This includes rich, poor, educated, uneducated, famous, and unknown—there is no one excluded. The birth of Christ is a day to be celebrated by all people. When the angel appeared to the shepherds watching over their flocks by night, these poor and forgotten individuals were encouraged beyond articulation. Jesus came for every man. No man is forgotten or left out! The celebration was not to be only enjoyed by Mary and Joseph her husband, but every man can be blessed that we celebrate the birth of Jesus.


We see the luminary of Christmas.

Christmas is not the celebration of Santa Claus, Christmas trees, or the exchanging of gifts. Christmas is about one sole Person: the Lord Jesus Christ! He is the key celebrity of this day. He is much more than a celebrity: He is Emmanuel, God with us. He is the Word Who was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. Christmas is celebrating that the Lord of glory, the Lord Who is our righteousness, and the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world, has come. Herod is not the key potentate on Christmas: the Lord Jesus Christ is. Caesar Augustus is not the key potentate on Christmas: the Lord Jesus Christ is. Notice, the shepherds were told, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour.” The long awaited Savior had come. He is the only One deserving our attention and adoration.


We see the Lord of Christmas.

This Savior is Christ the Lord! We must be careful that other things and people do not overshadow the fact that Jesus is Lord. Lord implies mastery, control, power, and rulership. Christ redeemed us from our sin, but He also rules over our lives. Christ was crucified by evil men, but this did not limit His Lordship. Christ was vilified by foolish men, but this did not change the fact that He arose from the dead as the victor over death. His Lordship makes Him equal in power, prestige, and Person as God the Father. His Lordship implies His sustaining power throughout creation.


Christmas is the birthday of our King! It’s a day in which we must reflect that without His arrival and atonement for our sins, we are of all men most miserable. Take time today to thank the Lord for coming to be your Savior.


Have a holy and blessed God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: 2 John-Jude


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