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The Church That Prays

Writer's picture: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today's Verse:

Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him. ~Acts 12:5


Where do you go when you are over your head in problems? I mean, where do you go for support when you need a miracle? Peter was in way over his head when Herod arrested him and placed him in prison. He was surrounded outside of the prison with a large number of prison guards to make sure that there was no way a break-in could occur from the outside to rescue him. Humanly speaking, he was in an impossible situation. Peter knew this and so did the church at Jerusalem. Then we read in Acts 12:5, “But prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him.” Let us see the power of a praying church. I want us to deeply consider why a praying church accomplished God’s will on earth as it is in Heaven.


A praying church is a federated church.

This church at Jerusalem was made up of thousands of people of different backgrounds and economic statuses. Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ unified this church. Churches must strive to have unity in doctrine, direction, and duty. Different opinions and preferences in these areas divide a church. Doctrine, direction, and duty is the glue that holds us together. Peter was a strategic leader in the church. His leadership in the church was a unifying factor. The members of this church were unified that they needed to band together in prayer for him. The church that prays together stays together. Prayer is the means that keeps a church close-knit and together.


A praying church is a faith church.

This church prayed in faith. We are told that prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God. The assembly believed that God could and would set him free. Herod tried to intimidate the church into thinking that he was stronger than God and that there was no way Peter could escape. Faith is believing the incredible, seeing the invisible, and doing the impossible. A faith church keeps praying until the answer it seeks is accomplished. Several years ago, I called on my church to pray earnestly for our recent "All for Jesus" building offering. We called on God to do the impossible. He answered us by doing the incredible in the hearts of our church family. Our church family simply said, “I believe!”


A praying church is a functional church.

A functional church is one that is spiritually healthy and submissive to the Lord and His leadership. It is a church that seeks to glorify the Lord and do His will. It functions within the framework of what is scriptural, separated, and uncompromising. When a member has a need, it knows that the best thing the church can do is rally together in prayer for God to work. We support our members best when we pray for the needs around us. What a privilege to take the needs of our church members before the Lord! What an excellent way for church members to know they are loved than when we pray for them.


A praying church is a phenomenal church.

That night, God sent an angel to the prison and Peter was miraculously set free! The chains fell off, the doors were open, and the guards were all asleep. At first, Peter thought he was dreaming! When he arrived at the home of John Mark where many were gathered together praying, the church saw first-hand the miracle of God’s power at work. Praying churches are more powerful than all the nuclear power on earth.


This morning, step up your involvement in the praying ministry of your church. Expect God to work and do the impossible through a church that prays.  


Have a prayerful God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Job 32-34

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