Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. ~1 Peter 4:7
The last words in every book are the two words “the end.” Those two words mark the conclusion of the story. There is nothing else to be said or contributed when we come to the end. Regardless if we agree or disagree with how the story concluded, when we come to the end of the book, it is over.
The end of a year marks the completion of 365 days. Whatever goals we did not complete will remain incomplete. Whatever achievements were accomplished will be looked back upon as great moments, but we are still at the end of the year. Whatever we end the year with, that is how it will end. Things of the past that are left undone will remain that way for the past year. There are questions we ask when we come to the end of something: What did we learn from the past year? How do we face the New Year? What will change and be different? How do we go forward?
We must accept what God has allowed in our lives to be His perfect will for us. We cannot change events from last year, but we can change us! We will erase the accomplishments from last year and start all over again with new goals. We will bring over the challenges left over from the previous year and prayerfully decide how we will deal with them. We cannot afford to sit still and let the New Year get ahead of us. We must be reasonable and step out in faith.
Peter said, “The end of all things is at hand.” We are nearer to the coming of the Lord and His eventual judgment on this world. We are to live our lives in anticipation that the Lord could come at any moment. We are to look for His appearing. We do not want to be caught by surprise. God has a time table that is moving forward. We should have the spirit that Paul had when he said, “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ.”
Peter said, “Be ye therefore sober.” This means we will not allow ourselves to be overcome by controlling sins, situations, or substances. Our afflictions, problems, trials, and suffering can be overwhelming and get the best of us. They can steal away a good part of our day through anxiety, discouragement, and worry. They can get us off track and lose sight of the bigger picture. They can cause us to forget that God is in control even when we feel like He isn’t. To be sober means we will not allow our body, mind, and spirit to be mastered by these things. Instead, the Lord Jesus Christ is our Master!
Peter said, “Watch unto prayer.” Let us be vigilant by placing our situation into the hands of God. Let’s pray in faith for God to do something big through our life. Let’s enlarge our prayer list to pray for more than just ourselves. Let’s pray for difficult people to get saved. Let’s pray for God to show Himself strong. Let’s pray without ceasing. Let’s pray bold prayers like Jabez. Let’s pray effectual, fervent prayers like Elijah. Let’s do more praying instead of less. Let’s pray about everything instead of a few things. Let’s pray for the Lord to send more laborers into His harvest. Let’s pray more and not less.
Yes, the end of the year is now upon us. Take a moment to reflect on the past year, but then pray that the New Year will be a great year of goals accomplished and the Lord being lifted up.
Bible Reading Schedule: Revelation 17-19