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The Man Who Fears God

Writer: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today’s Verse:

Praise ye the LORD. Blessed is the man that feareth the LORD, that delighteth greatly in his commandments. ~Psalm 112:1


Psalm 112 teaches the value and virtue of being a man who fears God. The fear of God is not something that we are to shun, but it is a spiritual necessity that is our driver in life. It is having the proper attitude and approach to God and others around us. This morning, we are exhorted concerning the blessings inherent in the fear of God.

We see the definition.

A man who fears the Lord is a man who obeys God’s Word. He “delighteth greatly in his commandments.” He seeks to live out God’s Word. He is diligent to obey whatever God’s Word instructs him to do. This is a man who consistently sees answers to his prayers. He is a faithful “Amener” to the divine mandates of God. He is never in a quandary about obedience because he delights greatly in his commandments.

We see the descendants.

“His seed shall be mighty upon earth.” His obedience flows into the life of his children and grandchildren. He is raising a generation that is truthful, honest, and above reproach in character. What makes them mighty, or strong? They are descendants who possess biblical convictions. Daniel is a prime example of this. When faced with the pressure of eating the king’s meat and drinking his wine, Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not. Daniel got those convictions from a mother and father who ingrained God’s Word into him. They are the difference makers in the world.

We see the dominion.

“Wealth and riches shall be in his house.” I believe that this is teaching the cause and effect of good financial management. He has learned that putting God first by tithing and participating in offerings results in God making all grace to abound in him. God meets his needs by enabling him to live within his means. He saves, invests, and sees increase. His investments do well. He has minimal to no debt. He is not covetous and does not live a high life. Instead, he sends ahead for eternity through sacrificial giving.

We see the durability.

“His righteousness endureth for ever.” He has a life filled with good works. His deeds and works lie beyond him. He has a name that is associated with being upright. He is a spiritual bedrock for those he has influence with. He impacts the lives of others through a sound testimony.

We see the dauntlessness.

“He shall not be afraid of evil tidings.” Setbacks and trials do not leave him in upheaval. He has a firm and resolute trust in the Lord. His enemies try to intimidate him, but he is not afraid, knowing that the Lord is on his side.

The best thing that every man can do for his life, career, marriage, family, and associations is to be a man who fears God. There are no disadvantages for the man who fears the Lord. He is someone who is celebrated and gives glory to God. Determine today to be a person who delights greatly in God’s commandments and lives for His glory.

Have a God-fearing God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Psalms 86-89

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