Alan Fong
3 min read
Alan Fong
3 min read
Alan Fong
3 min read
By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God. ~Hebrews 11:5
There are two men in the Bible who did not die: Enoch and Elisha. It’s an amazing thought that Enoch was taken out of this world without dying. What is important for us, however, is Enoch’s faith while he was on earth. He had a faith that pleased God.
"And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters." Enoch was 65 years old when his first son, Methuselah, was born. He was charged at the birth of this son. There is an excitement of becoming a father, especially for the first time. He was changed at the birth of his son. The birth of his son made him take a close look at the priorities in life. He made it his priority for the next 300 years to walk with God. He made his relationship with God the priority. He prayed, he read his Bible, he served, and he worshipped at his altar. He stayed close and connected to God. Is your emphasis on your walk with God?
In Jude 1:14-15, we read that Enoch prophesied of the Lord’s coming. He surrendered to the call of being God’s preacher to his generation. His duty was to lead his world to Christ. He preached about the Lord’s coming. He preached about the Lord’s condemnation. He preached for the Lord’s converts. We must make evangelism and soulwinning a priority. We must shine our light brightly and use every opportunity for souls to be saved. Are you telling others about Christ and how He can save them from their sins?
"He had this testimony, that he pleased God." God was pleased with Enoch’s walk, Enoch’s work, and Enoch’s worth. It wasn’t easy walking with God amid a world that was very far from God spiritually. Enoch pleased God in the exercise of faith and praying. He pleased God in being uncompromising in his preaching. The people in his world saw a man who was dedicated, disciplined, and determined to please God. Is God pleased with your life and the fulfilling of your duties?
"Enoch was translated that he should not see death." He was here one minute, then gone the next. God “raptured” him out of this sin-sick world. He did not die as other men did. He would be taken alive into Heaven. People looked for him, but he was not found. A missing person’s report may have been filed, but there was no trace of him. When we are raptured by our Lord, we will go missing to the world. Sadly, he was missing, but he was not missed. The world was happy that this preacher was missing. However, he experienced that God is a Rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. The Rapture might occur in my lifetime. If it does, I want to be ready to meet my Lord in the air.
When Enoch was translated, there were no disappointments in his life. What a homecoming he had when he met the Lord in the air. Are you ready for the Lord’s coming?
Bible Reading Schedule: Hosea 1-7