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The Morning Mist

Writer: Alan FongAlan Fong

Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. ~James 4:14


The transition from Fall to Winter is a wonderful time of the year. The other day, I walked outside just as the sun was rising. There was a morning mist that brought well needed dew and moisture to the grass and plants. That mist had somewhat of a cloudy appearance that eventually disappeared as the sun was rising, and the weather became warmer. The mist was enjoyable, but it did not linger very long. That mist is a picture of the life we live. It is a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.

There is the allowance of life.

Life is a gift from God. We owe our very existence to God. We did not bring ourselves into this world. We are not self-created: we are God-created! God brought us into this world because He has a divine purpose for us. It is important that we grasp the understanding that life is a gift. God told Moses to “choose life.” In a time when life is treated with disrespect and disregard, we must remind ourselves that life is a gift.

There is the abruptness of life.

Life is short! A few years ago, I had a neighbor whose wife passed away a few days after giving birth to their very first child. This young mother was only in her early thirties. A few years ago, I was summoned to the bedside of a young mother who had given birth to premature twins. As I entered the room, the father was holding in one hand the little infant who had passed away within minutes after being born. Life is brief and short. James said our life is like a vapor that vanishes away.

There is the accountability in life.

If you only had one more day to live, where will you spend eternity? Are you going to Heaven or Hell? If you are not born again, the Bible says you will spend eternity in Hell. “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this is the judgment.” We do not have as much time as we think we have to decide about being saved. Today is the day of salvation; today is the accepted time! To accept Christ as your Savior guarantees you a place in Heaven.

There is the awakening in life.

“Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow....” Let’s be real: we have no guarantee what tomorrow holds for us. Do you think the people who perished in the terrorist attack on the World Trade Towers knew that they would die that day? Do you think the people who perished in the 2004 tsunami that swept through a large portion of Southeast Asia knew that they would die that day? The shortness of life must awaken us to live each day as if it was our last! We must be sober-minded and live for eternity, and not for the here and now. We must redeem the time for the days are evil.

Life is precious. We must hold in high regard the wonderful gift of life. If you are not saved, receive Jesus as your Savior so that your sins are forgiven and Heaven is your home. If you have been floating along in your life, today is a good day to take hold of where you are at and start living a life that is on fire for God.

Have a circumspect God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: John 7-8


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