Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth. ~Lamentations 3:27
Our text this morning centers on a recommendation that Jeremiah made for every man. The Jews were going through a time of great trial. He came to realize that the men especially did not appreciate the labors of their forefathers. They had forgotten the price that was paid to give them the blessings that they enjoyed. So, he makes this recommendation that it is good for a man to bear the yoke in his youth.
A yoke is a fitting for a beast of burden (typically an ox) that would be placed around its neck. It consisted of a curved piece of wood with leather straps as a binding, which would allow them to draw a plough, a cart, or any other type of weight. A yoke was a symbol for service, slavery, or separation.
He said, “It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth.” He was saying that a man would benefit greatly from the usefulness of a yoke by learning when he is young how it teaches him discipline and duty. For every young man, there is the yoke of service. Every young man should learn to serve the Lord and others when they are young. It teaches them how to deal with different personalities and how to do things well. Serving can be hard, but it is good to learn hard work when you are young. There is the yoke of submission. Submission is learning how to follow those in leadership positions and following instructions. Submission requires us to do as we are told. It means no arguing and debating. There is the yoke of suffering. Suffering teaches us to trust in God. It teaches us that faith is to allow God to do what we cannot do. It is learning to wait upon the Lord for the answers that we need.
Bearing the yoke in our youth molds our character. It disciplines our thinking. It helps our people skills. It brings us to our knees and propels us to prayer. It teaches us the importance of teamwork and synergizing with other people. It helps remind us to be productive. It teaches us to finish our assignments. It teaches us how to bear the burdens of others. It leads us to have a focus and goal for the Christian life. “It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth.”
Don’t despise the yoke of youth! It has many valuable lessons to help us become better Christians who serve the Lord. It can be heavy, burdensome, and grievous, but it is an instrument that we will benefit from. Then, let us remember that when the burdens are heavy, we can give to the Lord the yoke of our burdens and take His yoke upon us. His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. It is a good for a man to bear the yoke in his youth!
Bible Reading Schedule: Song of Isaiah 13-17