Alan Fong
3 min read
Alan Fong
3 min read
Alan Fong
3 min read
Through God we shall do valiantly: for he it is that shall tread down our enemies. ~Psalm 108:13
Psalm 108 was written by David as a psalm of praise and acknowledgement. Charles Spurgeon, in his Treasury of David, called this psalm “The Warrior’s Morning Song.” This psalm is divided into three sections. In vv. 1-5, we see David rejoicing. David is praising the Lord in spirit, in song, and in his society. In vv. 6-10, we see David’s request. David is praying for God to help him in battle. In vv. 11-13, we see David’s resolve. David said, “Through God we shall do valiantly.” Through God is the only way we can be victorious.
“Who will bring me into the strong city? who will lead me into Edom?” David had conflicts with the Moabites, Edomites, Amalekites, and Philistines. Each foe was formidable. He could not take anything for granted. We have the foes called the world, the flesh, and the devil. Each is subtle, sneaky, seductive, and strong. Our spiritual foes look for our weaknesses. They look to attack when our guard is down. They come back until we have been defeated. We must watch and pray because of the foes who seek to overthrow us.
“Give us help from trouble: for vain is the help of man.” David prayed for help. He knew what it was like to be in trouble. Trouble is when the problem looks unsolvable. Trouble is when the enemy intimidates us. Trouble is when we are on our own and there is no help available from anyone else. He said, “Vain is the help of man.” Man’s wisdom, weapons, and ways are useless when we are in trouble. David had fear of being defeated and even of dying at the hands of his foes. Fear causes us to doubt God and even ourselves. Fear weakens us and leaves us shivering cowards. Fear makes us cower and retreat. David needed help because of fear.
“Through God we shall do valiantly: for he it is that shall tread down our enemies.” David knew that the victory was not in himself, his hosts, or his heroism. His victory was through God. Through God we can face our problems. Through God we can defeat our enemies and overcome our problems. Through God we shall do valiantly. Through God Red Seas are opened and we can walk across. Through God giants are toppled and defeated. Through God we can run through a troop and leap over a wall. Through God prayers are answered. Through God churches can be started and sustained anywhere. Through God souls can be saved. David saw that the victory that overcomes is a faith that is through God.
“He it is that shall tread down our enemies.” Treading down the enemy means to step all over them. It means to trample upon them. God enables us to bruise the enemy under our feet. We have power and enablement to win and succeed through God. Jesus said that the gates of Hell shall not prevail against His church. The church moves forward and pushes the gates of Hell back. We move forward and trample the enemy that stands in the way of victory.
This morning, through God we shall do valiantly. Face the foes and fears in your life head-on and remember that it is only through God that there is victory and hope.
Bible Reading Schedule: Daniel 1-3