Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
Today’s Verse:
My righteousness I hold fast, and will not let it go: my heart shall not reproach me so long as I live. ~Job 27:6
When you receive a package in the mail, you probably check to see if it says, “Fragile: handle with care.” You know when it says that, there are contents that are breakable. We are careful about breakable items. My wife bought some new porcelain china a while ago and reminded me to be careful: “It is breakable”. This morning, our devotion centers itself on being unbreakable. Job said that he was holding fast or being unbreakable in spite of very difficult circumstances.
We should be holding fast in our righteousness.
Job was tested in his faith in ways that all of us cannot even imagine. He lost his holdings, his houses, his heirs, and helpers all in one day. He went from very wealthy to zero net worth. He went from being the largest employer in the land to having zero employees. He went from being a happy father to a grieving father. Then, within a day or two of these calamities, his health was under attack as well. In all of this, Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly. He said, “My righteousness I hold fast, and will not let it go.” He held tightly his morals, his character, and his spiritual integrity. He would not let it be said that he threw in the towel. He would not let it be said that he lived carelessly and carnally. He would not let it be said that he lost his patience in the Lord’s perfect working in his life. When the going is tough, never forget that people are watching to see if you are unbreakable in your righteousness.
We should be holding fast in our resilience.
What does it take to break you? Solomon said, “If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.” The word “faint” means to give up or throw in the towel. Resilience is a measurement of how tough you are and what does it take to make you quit. Job was resilient in spite of his calamities. Job was resilient in spite of his critics. His critics wrote him off as a terrible sinner under the judgment of God. These men who claimed to be his friend besmirched Job and made him to look like he should be blamed for his calamities. Job was resilient in spite of his condition. Physically, he had deteriorated badly. Amazingly, none of these things broke him. He was like Paul who said, “None of these things move me.”
We should be holding fast in our relationships.
Job’s wife in her bitterness told him to curse God and die. Even she couldn’t take how bad things got for him. In her haste, she even told him to die! However, Job held fast in his relationship with his wife and did not retaliate against her. He did not try to get out of his marriage. He held fast and would not let it go! Job held fast in his relationship towards his friends. They discouraged him so badly that at one point he called them to their faces, “Forgers of lies and physicians of no value.” However, he held fast as a friend to them in spite of how they treated him. The turning point in his life was when he prayed for them. We are told God turned the captivity of his friends when he prayed for them. However, foremost of his relationships was the fact that he held fast his relationship with God. He proclaimed, “I know that my redeemer liveth and that I shall stand in the latter day.” He had faith and trust in God’s plan for his life. He knew God was faithful and just, and that good would come out of his crisis. His faithfulness to God was amply rewarded in that God blessed him with twice as much as he had before.
It takes courage, consecration, and much conviction to remain unbreakable when things are going in a different direction. This morning, remember to be unbreakable in your spirit and life. Remember Job and how he was unbreakable.
Have an unbreakable God Morning!
Bible Reading Schedule: Hosea 8-14