Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. ~Revelation 6:13
We are in the season of the year when figs are being harvested. This year’s crop is good and sweet. I’m thankful for the many generous church members who have shared their figs with us. Our passage uses the metaphor of a mighty wind storm that has shaken the figs off of a tree. The figs were not ripe or ready for harvesting, but the powerful winds have shaken them to the ground. When figs are not ripe and ready, they are referred to as "untimely figs." The picture in this passage speaks of the catastrophic events to occur during the Great Tribulation.
The Great Tribulation is also called by many other names and terms. It is a 7-year time period of worldwide catastrophe and havoc. It is referred to in v. 17 as the "great day of his wrath." It is referred to in Jeremiah as the time of Jacob’s trouble. Jesus describes it as a time "such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time." It immediately follows the Rapture of the saved. All who are not saved are left behind and will go through this horrific time.
Revelation 6 presents to us incredible catastrophic events that will occur during the Tribulation period. It will be a time of war, global climate upheaval, economic collapse, widespread death, and the emergence of a one-world leader who will rule over the nations of the world. Money and currency as we know it will fail. Poverty and famine will abound. There will be a spiritual awakening and many will get saved, but they will be persecuted and put to death for their faith. These martyrs are people who will awaken to the truth of the Word of God and salvation by faith through grace in Christ’s atoning death and shed blood. They will take a stand for proclaiming the message of salvation. We are told that ¼ of the Earth’s population will die by the sword, hunger, disease, and other mishaps.
When the Tribulation comes, no one will be prepared for what will unfold. Currencies, stock markets, commodity markets, and trade will fail and be in upheaval. Disease will spread and cannot be contained. War and skirmishes will be everywhere. Satan will have greater freedom to run amok. People will believe lies because of a strong spiritual delusion propagated by Satan. The unbelieving people of the world will be self-centered and caught up with their lives; they will not give heed to the fact that the world is in a downward spiral. All who enter into the Tribulation period will enter unprepared.
First, God is in control regardless of how horrific the events will be during that time period. It is God’s time period of judgment upon the world, but we must never lose sight of the fact that God is still sovereign and powerful. Second, it is important that the unsaved hear the gospel now and get saved. Now is the day of salvation! No one should put off the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. Be sober in your heart, and seek the salvation of your unsaved loved ones. Get involved in the church-organized soulwinning programs and help get the gospel to the lost. Third, watch and pray lest ye enter into temptation. Do not be caught off guard and found ashamed when Jesus comes for those of us who are saved. When the Great Tribulation comes, it will be like untimely figs that fall to the ground after a powerful wind.
Bible Reading Schedule: Micah 5-7