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Victory in Jesus

Writer: Alan FongAlan Fong

Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? ~1 John 5:5


One of my favorite hymns that we sing in church is "Victory in Jesus." It is a hymn that gives us great assurance that once a person receives the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, they have entered into a life where they are on the winning side. We live in victory because of what Christ accomplished on the cross when He died for all of our sins. There is no victory apart from a life in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ enables us to overcome the world and its tales.

The world we live is filled with lies and ideas that seek to drown our thoughts in wrong thinking. The world will use the lies of humanism to lead us to believe in the promotion of self and man. The world will use the lies of materialism to ensnare us into thinking that we have to accumulate and fill our life with things that we really do not need. The world will use the lies of ecumenism to make us think that we need to join ranks with apostates and false religion for world peace. The world is a system of tangled and deceitful lies that seek to draw all men away from the truth. No one who ever followed the world in its lies was ever better off. Faith in Jesus Christ overcomes the false tales of the world.

Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ enables us to overcome the world and its temptations.

The world seeks to tempt us into thinking that we need to surrender our souls to the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. The world uses commercialism and peer pressure to influence our decisions. During the introduction of a new gadget or improved device, many people are drawn to thinking, “I need to have this.” The world creates a false sense of insecurity about our physical needs. Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ enables us to find our true satisfaction in Him alone and realize there are things that we need and things that we really do not need. Faith in Christ enables us to differentiate between the eternal and the temporal.

Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ enables us to overcome the world and its tainting.

The world seeks to draw us away from God. Its goal is to cause us to live in sin. The motto of the world is, “Everyone is doing it.” It seeks to defile our souls by trying to lure us into practices and associations that will cause us to sin. The world thrills and then it kills; it fascinates and then it assassinates. The world will use music, merchandising, success, and the “make me feel good” appeal to our senses to draw us away from God. Faith in Jesus Christ is the only means to victory over the power of the world.

Are you feeling the pull of the world in your life? Are you constantly trying to live a victorious life in your own power? Realize this morning that you have the victory that overcomes the world, even your faith. By faith, Moses forsook Egypt (the world), not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured as seeing Him Who is invisible. Benaiah overcame an Egyptian man of great stature by plucking a spear out of his hand and overcoming that man with his own spear. How do you explain all this? Faith in the Lord!

You have the victory in Christ! Allow your faith to be nourished, fed, and strengthened through a daily and consistent walk with the Lord in His word and in prayer. Claim the victory that you have in Christ!

Have a victorious God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: 2 Corinthians 10-13


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