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We Have Found This Man

Writer: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today’s Verse:

For we have found this man a pestilent fellow, and a mover of sedition among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes: ~Acts 24:5


All of us like it when good things are said about us and to us. However, it pays sometimes to know what your critics have to say about you. Much of a what a critic has to say about us has a negative bias and innuendo. Since we tend to dislike criticism, we might overlook things that truthfully describe our strengths in a way that we might not see. Tertullus stood as the spokesman for the Jews in bringing a railing accusation against Paul. In doing so, he was complimenting Paul about leadership qualities that he possessed that made him stand head and shoulders above other men. Tertullus said, “We have found this man.”

We see the commander.

Paul is described as a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes. As a ringleader, he is described as the head, the leader, and the commander. The sect of the Nazarenes speaks of Paul’s identification with Jesus. Paul, in his belief and message, identified with everything having to do with Jesus. A leader should not be wishy-washy. A leader must be characterized by strong belief, strong conviction, and behavior consistent with what he believes. Paul identified with Jesus all the way. He was leading other people to believe what he believed about Jesus.

We see the catalyst.

He is called a mover of sedition among all the Jews. This speaks of his inspiration. Paul was a mover and shaker. He made things happen. Things changed when he was around people. A catalyst is a change agent. It speeds things up. It changes the chemical makeup of whatever it is added to. Paul is called a mover of sedition. They said that he caused division. The truth is, he was so compelling in his message that people were moved to decision for Jesus. Great leaders are not status quo, nor do they accept status-quo quality. They make things happen. They shake things up. They move people to do things. A mover inspires other people to action and pursuit. Paul was not divisive in a malicious or undermining way. The division was people converting to Christianity because they believed the truth of the gospel. “Choose you this day whom ye will serve.” He moved people away from a dead religion that could not save their souls to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and life that was abundant.

We see the contagion.

He is called a pestilent fellow. Like the other statements, this was meant to be a disparaging statement against Paul. In one sense of the word, Paul is called a pest—an annoyance; an irritant. On the other hand, pestilent refers to a contagious infection. Paul was contagious: he was contagious with his faith. This speaks of his influence. Leadership influences people to follow. They described him as a pestilence that infected many people to get saved and live for Jesus. In Acts 20:4, we read of seven of Paul’s closest companions traveling with him. These were men from different locations who got saved when he went to their cities and who desired to be with him to help advance the gospel. When we have a powerful influence on people, we should want them to follow us in the ministry of winning souls and making disciples for our Lord. What they thought was biased criticism that would destroy Paul turned out to be powerful descriptions of his leadership influence. May your leadership identify you with Jesus, inspire others to action, and contagiously influence them to be on-fire Christians.

Have an influential God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Micah 1-4


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