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Writer's pictureAlan Fong

Well Doing

Today’s Verse:

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. ~Galatians 6:9


I think of two phrases that should be foremost in our minds as we serve the Lord. The first is present tense and acknowledges that we are “well doing.” This means we are doing the right things and are effective. The second phrase is future tense and is “well done.” This acknowledges that we have finished our course and race well as we leave this life and enter into eternity. Let us see an encouraging word about well doing.

We see the faithfulness.

Well doing is being faithful in our enlistment, engagement, and execution. It’s being exceptional in what we do. It’s being instant in season and out of season. It’s doing our ministry with joy. It is saying, like Paul, that “none of these things move me.” It is staying at what we do for a long time and getting better at it. It is our performance through worship, work, witnessing, and waiting that pleases the Lord.

We see the fatigue.

Paul speaks about being weary in well doing. We can grow tired of and in the work. We can become weary in our witness to society, our worship on Sunday’, our waiting through suffering, and the wrath of scorners. There are seasons when we do not see results. We can be doing something for so long that we feel like we are ineffective and past our ability to make a difference. We can become fatigued, tired, and weary. It’s not a sin to be fatigued, but it is a sin when we decide in the flesh instead of in the Spirit.

We see the future.

Paul speaks of “due season.” That is the immediate and distant future. Due season is where we spend the rest of our time. We are to live and serve the Lord with anticipation of what He will do. He said that in due season, we shall reap. A sower sows precious seed months before he will have a harvest. Due season is the time in which he will be able to reap from what he has sown. Your seed sowing now will, in due season, result in reaping. Your hard work now will result in reaping. Your praying now will, in due season, result in reaping. Your patience and longsuffering now will result in reaping in due season. “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.”

We see the fortitude.

Paul said that we shall reap if we faint not. Take a long-distance runner’s view of what you are doing. Long-distance runners run with patience the race that is set before them. Don’t be an easy quitter. Don’t be someone who gives up after a setback. Don’t be someone who is always discouraged. Be a Christian who has fortitude and resilience. Your motto should be, “I shall not be moved.” Have fortitude in the ups and downs of ministry. Your focus must be on glorifying God and not just the numbers. Paul was stoned at Lystra, but he did not faint. Paul was falsely accused by false prophets at Corinth, but he did not faint. Be not weary in well doing. Don’t let weariness make you a quitter. Keep doing right and doing your best.

Have a tenacious God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Psalms 46-50

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1 Comment

Ginny Dichoso
Ginny Dichoso
Jun 20, 2021

I am currently in the season of discouragement in my Christian walk. This message that I read today is a great reminder for me to keep on keeping on amidst what's happening. Thank you!

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