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  • Writer's pictureAlan Fong

Who Shall Stand?

Today's Verse:

If thou, LORD, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared. ~Psalm 130:3-4


To be ignorant of the Bible and the ways of God leaves a person uninformed, ignorant, and seriously lacking in right understanding. There are many who have an incorrect understanding of God’s way with men. To some, God is deemed unfair, unjust, and disconnected from man. However, nothing could be farther from the truth. The psalmist made a powerful declaration during a time of distress. In this declaration, he came to a great conclusion about God that carried him through his tough time. This morning, we see how this man answered his own question.


We see this man and his distress.

He said, “Out of the depths have I cried unto thee.” This man was struggling with sin in his life. The burden of sin was weighing him down. In his desperation, he cried out to God as a man who was shipwrecked and sinking into the depths of the ocean. When we have sin in our life, the weight of that sin makes us feel like we are sinking and have no way of escape. He went on to ask, “If thou, LORD, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand?” He was saying, “How does anyone stand a chance against the justice of God when we have sin in our life?” Does unconfessed sin in your life bother you? Does your conscience bother you about the hurt that your sin has caused in you and in the lives of others?


We see this man and his discovery.

He said, “But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared.” He made a great discovery. God is merciful, God is gracious, and God is forgiving. He realized that he had wrong perceptions about God. Yes, God is just and must punish our sin. Yet, God is loving and plentiful in mercy. What a wonderful comfort and relief to know that there is forgiveness with God. For every sinner, there is always room at the cross. For every erring child of God, there is always forgiveness and a second chance. Just as the father of the prodigal son ran to the field to receive his erring child, God meets us at our point of need and wraps His loving arms around us.


We see this man and his decisions.

His discovery led to life-changing decisions in his life. He learned to fear God and to not live his life in a flippant and careless manner. He placed safeguards around himself. He fled from those temptations that could pull him down into the pit. He resisted the devil. Then, he established a strong devotional life where he made time every day to wait on the Lord through God’s Word. In fact, he said, “My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning.” His devotional life became the day’s highest priority. Then, he became an encourager. He encouraged the nation of Israel to hope in the Lord. People who have a right understanding of God are compelled to help other people acquire the same right understanding. Just as God forgave him, he encouraged his nation that God can forgive them of their national sins. He became a key spokesman for God because of the grace that was at work in his life.


Is God fair? Yes! You must experience His mercy and grace in your life instead of languishing in unbelief, ignorance, and a limited understanding. There is forgiveness with God. Accept His forgiveness, wait on Him, and proclaim what He has done for you with others.


Have a blessed God Morning!


Bible Reading Schedule: Ezekiel 40-42

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