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Will You Be the Man?

Writer: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today’s Verse:

When Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, heard of it, it grieved them exceedingly that there was come a man to seek the welfare of the children of Israel. ~Nehemiah 2:10


One of my favorite Bible characters is Nehemiah. He is one of the great Biblical and historical inspirations of faith. In the face of very difficult odds, he volunteered to take on the task in leading the people of Jerusalem to rebuild the city walls that had laid broken and waste for many years. Nehemiah was God’s man for the hour. This morning, we are considering the question, “Will you be the man?”

We see Nehemiah and his DETERMINATION.

“…There was come a man to seek the welfare of the children of Israel.” Nehemiah was marked by a burning desire to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and restore the glory to God. He came to seek the welfare of the children of Israel. He was determined to lead the people in doing something that no one had the courage and conviction to do until he arrived. As a leader, you must have determination. You must be convinced in your heart of your calling, and desire to let God accomplish His will through you.

We see Nehemiah, who was DAUNTLESS.

The task that Nehemiah took on required much financing. This task required much manpower and oversight. This task would be under a strenuous timeline. Nehemiah was like the Apostle Paul in spirit: “None of these things move me.” Be courageous, regardless of how difficult the task may be. Be courageous, and do not allow yourself to be easily discouraged. Nehemiah kept his focus on the glory of God and keeping the people inspired on getting this great work done.

We see Nehemiah and his DETRACTORS.

Whenever we decide to do something great for God, there will always be critics, rebels, and scorners. The surrounding nations were very upset that a man would come to lead the Jews in rebuilding the walls and gates. As a leader, you will always have critics and people who scorn what you do. The words of men will either build us up, or tear us down. It is up to us to make that choice. Don’t allow the critics to weaken your stance for the Lord.

We see Nehemiah and his DISCIPLES.

Nehemiah was a one-of-a-kind man. We need more men like him. Let’s inspire our sons, our brothers, our co-laborers, and those who serve alongside of us to possess that same courageous spirit to do the right thing. We need men who will walk in the same shoes as Nehemiah, and help make a godly difference in this generation. Let’s repair some walls that the enemy has broken down. Let’s take our stand alongside one another, and do our part on the wall. Don’t come down from the wall when you are scorned or threatened. Will you be the man in your home?

Will you be the man in your church? Will you be the man for this generation?

Have a courageous God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: 1 Chronicles 28-2 Chronicles 1


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