Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
A wound and dishonour shall he get; and his reproach shall not be wiped away. ~Proverbs 6:33
Years ago, when I was about 9 or 10 years old, I rode a friend’s go-cart down a steep driveway. I navigated a sharp turn too quickly and fell off the cart. Among the injuries I sustained were cuts and abrasions to my right shoulder, elbow, hands, and knees. I had numerous bruises. You can say that I had many wounds from my experience. The Bible describes the aftermath of sin in our life as a wound.
Sin always leaves a mark, scar, and spot on us. The sins of immorality (Proverbs 6:33) and drunkenness (Proverbs 23:29) leave lasting scars in us physically, emotionally, and mentally. The Bible describes the wounds of sin as being grievous and incurable (Isaiah 1:6; Jeremiah 30:12). Sin injures, disfigures, and leaves us hurting. Sin will always leave a mark on us that we will regret and never forget.
“A wound and dishonour shall he get....” Dishonor speaks about the shame of sin. When Adam and Eve sinned, they were so ashamed of themselves that they hid from the Lord’s presence. When our sin finds us out, there is embarrassment from what we did. This shame and embarrassment can be intolerable and a heavy burden to carry. The prodigal son left home full, but he returned empty. As he approached home in tattered clothes, barefoot, and dirty, he told his father that he had sinned against God and him. He realized that he brought embarrassment and shame to his family. Dishonor and shame are always part of the aftermath of sin.
“...His reproach shall not be wiped away.” There is the scorn and rejection of others that come with sin. Sin can be forgiven by God, but people affected by our sin might shun and separate from us. There is the loss of respect. There is the loss of trust. There is the loss of relationships. We cannot erase or turn back what ill we caused. I think of Judas and his sin of betrayal of our Lord. His very name, instead of giving praise to the Lord, is synonymous with treachery and evil character. The thirty pieces of silver that he gave back to the priests were used to purchase a field that was named Aceldama, which was a sad reminder of what Judas did.
“But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” Thankfully, every sinner has Someone Who was wounded for their sin: that Person is Jesus! He became the perfect substitute for our sin. He was wounded with a crown of thorns thrust on His head, nails that pierced His hands and feet, and a spear that was thrust through His side. He was wounded for our transgressions and He was bruised for our iniquities. Zechariah says that Jesus was wounded for His friends. He calls us friends when, in reality, we are the enemies of God. Jesus took the wound and dishonor we should receive for our sin. By His stripes we are healed. Jesus endured the cross and despised the shame for every sinner.
Let us be reminded of the wound and dishonor that we shall get when we succumb to temptation and sin. Be thankful, this morning, that Jesus was wounded for you.
Bible Reading Schedule: John 16-18